

CODATA Internationally recommended values of the Fundamental Physical Constants

Fundamental Physical Constants (Universal)

>> Characteristic impedance of vacuum Z0

Value: 376.730 313 461... [ohm]

>> Electric constant

Value: 8.854 187 817... x 10^-12 [F/m]

>> Magnetic constant

Value: 4pi x 10-7 = 12.566 370 614... x 10^-7 [N/A^2]

>> Newtonian constant of gravitation G

Value: 6.673 84 x 10^-11 [m^3/(kg * s^2)]

>> Newtonian constant of gravitation over h-bar c G/hc

Value: 6.708 37 x 10^-39 [(GeV/c2)^-2]

>> Planck constant h

Value: 6.626 069 57 x 10^-34 [J * s]

>> Planck constant in eV s h

Value: 4.135 667 516 x 10^-15 [eV * s]

>> Planck constant over 2 pi h

Value: 1.054 571 726 x 10^-34 [J * s]

>> Planck constant over 2 pi in eV s h

Value: 6.582 119 28 x 10^-16 [eV * s]

>> Planck constant over 2 pi times c in MeV fm hc

Value: 197.326 9718 [MeV fm]

>> Planck length lp

Value: 1.616 199 x 10-35 [m]

>> Planck mass mp

Value: 2.176 51 x 10^-8 [kg]

>> Planck mass energy equivalent in GeV mp*c^2

Value: 1.220 932 x 1019 [GeV]

>> Planck temperature Tp

Value: 1.416 833 x 1032 [K]

>> Planck time tp

Value: 5.391 06 x 10^-44 [s]

>> Speed of light in vacuum c

Value: 299 792 458 [m/s]


Electromagnetic constants

>> Bohr magneton mB

Value: 927.400 968 x 10^-26 [J/T]

>> Bohr magneton in eV/T mB

Value: 5.788 381 8066 x 10^-5 [eV/T]

>> Bohr magneton in Hz/T mB/h

Value: 13.996 245 55 x 10^9 [Hz/T]

>> Bohr magneton in inverse meters per tesla mB/hc

Value: 46.686 4498 [1/(m*T)]

>> Bohr magneton in K/T mB/k

Value: 0.671 713 88 [K/T]

>> Conductance quantum G0

Value: 7.748 091 7346 x 10^-5 [s]

>> Elementary charge e

Value: 1.602 176 565 x 10^-19 [C]

>> Elementary charge over h e/h

Value: 2.417 989 348 x 10^14 [A/J]

>> Inverse of conductance quantum 1/G0

Value: 12 906.403 7217 [ohm]

>> Josephson constant Kj

Value: 483 597.870 x 10^9 [Hz/V]

>> Magnetic flux quantum F0

Value: 2.067 833 758 x 10^-15 [Wb]

>> Nuclear magneton mN

Value: 5.050 783 53 x 10^-27 [J/T]

>> Nuclear magneton in eV/T mN

Value: 3.152 451 2605 x 10^-8 [eV/T]

>> Nuclear magneton in inverse meters per tesla mN/hc

Value: 2.542 623 527 x 10^-2 [1/(m*T)]

>> Nuclear magneton in K/T mN/k

Value: 3.658 2682 x 10^-4 [K/T]

>> Nuclear magneton in MHz/T mN/h

Value: 7.622 593 57 [MHz/T]

>> Von Klitzing constant Rk

Value: 25 812.807 4434 [ohm]


Atomic and nuclear constants

>> Alpha particle mass ma

Value: 6.644 656 75 x 10^-27 [kg]

>> Alpha particle mass energy equivalent mac^2

Value: 5.971 919 67 x 10^-10 [J]

>> Alpha particle mass energy equivalent in MeV mac^2

Value: 3727.379 240 [MeV]

>> Alpha particle mass in u ma

Value: 4.001 506 179 125 [u]

>> Alpha particle molar mass M(a)

Value: 4.001 506 179 125 x 10^-3 [kg/mol]

>> Alpha particle-electron mass ratio ma/me

Value: 7294.299 5361 [1]

>> Alpha particle-proton mass ratio ma/mp

Value: 3.972 599 689 33 [1]

>> Bohr radius a0

Value: 0.529 177 210 92 x 10^-10 [m]

>> Classical electron radius re

Value: 2.817 940 3267 x 10^-15 [m]

>> Compton wavelength lC

Value: 2.426 310 2389 x 10^-12 [m]

>> Compton wavelength over 2 pi lC-

Value: 386.159 268 00 x 10^-15 [m]

>> Deuteron g factor gd

Value: 0.857 438 2308 [1]

>> Deuteron magnetic moment md

Value: 0.433 073 489 x 10^-26 [J/T]

>> Deuteron magnetic moment to Bohr magneton ratio md/mB

Value: 0.466 975 4556 x 10^-3 [1]

>> Deuteron magnetic moment to nuclear magneton ratio md/mN

Value: 0.857 438 2308 [1]

>> Deuteron mass md

Value: 3.343 583 48 x 10^-27 [kg]

>> Deuteron mass energy equivalent md*c^2

Value: 3.005 062 97 x 10^-10 [J]

>> Deuteron mass energy equivalent in MeV md*c^2

Value: 1875.612 859 [MeV]

>> Deuteron mass in u md

Value: 2.013 553 212 712 [u]

>> Deuteron molar mass M(d)

Value: 2.013 553 212 712 x 10^-3 [kg/mol]

>> Deuteron rms charge radius rd

Value: 2.1424 x 10^-15 [m]

>> Deuteron-electron magnetic moment ratio md/me

Value: -4.664 345 537 x 10^-4 [1]

>> Deuteron-electron mass ratio md/me

Value: 3670.482 9652 [1]

>> Deuteron-neutron magnetic moment ratio md/mn

Value: -0.448 206 52 [1]

>> Deuteron-proton magnetic moment ratio md/mp

Value: 0.307 012 2070 [1]

>> Deuteron-proton mass ratio md/mp

Value: 1.999 007 500 97 [1]

>> Electron charge to mass quotient -e/me

Value: -1.758 820 088 x 10^11 [C/kg]

>> Electron g factor ge

Value: -2.002 319 304 361 53 [1]

>> Electron gyromagnetic ratio ge

Value: 1.760 859 708 x 10^11 [1/(s*T)]

>> Electron gyromagnetic ratio over 2 pi ge/2pi

Value: 28 024.952 66 [MHz/T]

>> Electron magnetic moment me

Value: -928.476 430 x 10^-26 [J/T]

>> Electron magnetic moment anomaly ae

Value: 1.159 652 180 76 x 10^-3 [1]

>> Electron magnetic moment to Bohr magneton ratio me/mB

Value: -1.001 159 652 180 76 [1]

>> Electron magnetic moment to nuclear magneton ratio me/mN

Value: -1838.281 970 90 [1]

>> Electron mass me

Value: 9.109 382 91 x 10^-31 [kg]

>> Electron mass energy equivalent me*c^2

Value: 8.187 105 06 x 10^-14 [J]

>> Electron mass energy equivalent in MeV me*c^2

Value: 0.510 998 928 [MeV]

>> Electron mass in u me

Value: 5.485 799 0946 x 10^-4 [u]

>> Electron molar mass M(e)

Value: 5.485 799 0946 x 10^-7 [kg/mol]

>> Electron to alpha particle mass ratio me/ma

Value: 1.370 933 555 78 x 10^-4 [1]

>> Electron to shielded helion magnetic moment ratio me/m'h

Value: 864.058 257 [1]

>> Electron to shielded proton magnetic moment ratio me/m'p

Value: -658.227 5971 [1]

>> Electron-deuteron magnetic moment ratio me/md

Value: -2143.923 498 [1]

>> Electron-deuteron mass ratio me/md

Value: 2.724 437 1095 x 10^-4 [1]

>> Electron-helion mass ratio me/mh

Value: 1.819 543 0761 x 10^-4 [1]

>> Electron-muon magnetic moment ratio me/mm

Value: 206.766 9896 [1]

>> Electron-muon mass ratio me/mm

Value: 4.836 331 66 x 10^-3 [1]

>> Electron-neutron magnetic moment ratio me/mn

Value: 960.920 50 [1]

>> Electron-neutron mass ratio me/mn

Value: 5.438 673 4461 x 10^-4 [1]

>> Electron-proton magnetic moment ratio me/mp

Value: -658.210 6848 [1]

>> Electron-proton mass ratio me/mp

Value: 5.446 170 2178 x 10^-4 [1]

>> Electron-tau mass ratio me/mr

Value: 2.875 92 x 10^-4 [1]

>> Electron-triton mass ratio me/mt

Value: 1.819 200 0653 x 10^-4 [1]

>> Fermi coupling constant GF/(h-*c)^3

Value: 1.166 364 x 10-5 [Ge/V^2]

>> Fine-structure constant a

Value: 7.297 352 5698 x 10^-3 [1]

>> Hartree energy Eh

Value: 4.359 744 34 x 10^-18 [J]

>> Hartree energy in eV Eh

Value: 27.211 385 05 [eV]

>> Helion g factor gh

Value: -4.255 250 613 [1]

>> Helion magnetic moment mh

Value: -1.074 617 486 x 10^-26 [J/T]

>> Helion magnetic moment to Bohr magneton ratio mh/mB

Value: -1.158 740 958 x 10^-3 [1]

>> Helion magnetic moment to nuclear magneton ratio mh/mN

Value: -2.127 625 306 [1]

>> Helion mass mh

Value: 5.006 412 34 x 10^-27 [kg]

>> Helion mass energy equivalent mhc^2

Value: 4.499 539 02 x 10^-10 [J]

>> Helion mass energy equivalent in MeV mhc^2

Value: 2808.391 482 [MeV]

>> Helion mass in u mh

Value: 3.014 932 2468 [u]

>> Helion molar mass M(h)

Value: 3.014 932 2468 x 10^-3 [kg/mol]

>> Helion-electron mass ratio mh/me

Value: 5495.885 2754 [1]

>> Helion-proton mass ratio mh/mp

Value: 2.993 152 6707 [1]

>> Inverse fine-structure constant 1/a

Value: 137.035 999 074 [1]

>> Muon Compton wavelength lC,m

Value: 11.734 441 03 x 10^-15 [m]

>> Muon Compton wavelength over 2 pi l-C,m

Value: 1.867 594 294 x 10^-15 [m]

>> Muon g factor gm

Value: -2.002 331 8418 [1]

>> Muon magnetic moment mm

Value: -4.490 448 07 x 10^-26 [J/T]

>> Muon magnetic moment anomaly am

Value: 1.165 920 91 x 10^-3 [1]

>> Muon magnetic moment to Bohr magneton ratio mm/mB

Value: -4.841 970 44 x 10^-3 [1]

>> Muon magnetic moment to nuclear magneton ratio mm/mN

Value: -8.890 596 97 [1]

>> Muon mass mm

Value: 1.883 531 475 x 10^-28 [kg]

>> Muon mass energy equivalent mmc^2

Value: 1.692 833 667 x 10^-11 [J]

>> Muon mass energy equivalent in MeV mmc^2

Value: 105.658 3715 [MeV]

>> Muon mass in u mm

Value: 0.113 428 9267 [u]

>> Muon molar mass M(m)

Value: 0.113 428 9267 x 10^-3 [kg/mol]

>> Muon-electron mass ratio mm/me

Value: 206.768 2843 [1]

>> Muon-neutron mass ratio mm/mn

Value: 0.112 454 5177 [1]

>> Muon-proton magnetic moment ratio mm/mp

Value: -3.183 345 107 [1]

>> Muon-proton mass ratio mm/mp

Value: 0.112 609 5272 [1]

>> Muon-tau mass ratio mm/mt

Value: 5.946 49 x 10^-2 [1]

>> Neutron Compton wavelength lC,n

Value: 1.319 590 9068 x 10^-15 [m]

>> Neutron Compton wavelength over 2 pi l-C,n

Value: 0.210 019 415 68 x 10^-15 [m]

>> Neutron g factor gn

Value: -3.826 085 45 [1]

>> Neutron gyromagnetic ratio gn

Value: 1.832 471 79 x 10^8 [1/(s*T)]

>> Neutron gyromagnetic ratio over 2 pi gn/2pi

Value: 29.164 6943 [MHz/T]

>> Neutron magnetic moment mn

Value: -0.966 236 47 x 10^-26 [J/T]

>> Neutron magnetic moment to Bohr magneton ratio mn/mB

Value: -1.041 875 63 x 10^-3 [1]

>> Neutron magnetic moment to nuclear magneton ratio mn/mN

Value: -1.913 042 72 [1]

>> Neutron mass mn

Value: 1.674 927 351 x 10^-27 [kg]

>> Neutron mass energy equivalent mnc^2

Value: 1.505 349 631 x 10^-10 [J]

>> Neutron mass energy equivalent in MeV mnc^2

Value: 939.565 379 [MeV]

>> Neutron mass in u mn

Value: 1.008 664 916 00 [u]

>> Neutron molar mass M(n)

Value: 1.008 664 916 00 x 10^-3 [kg/mol]

>> Neutron to shielded proton magnetic moment ratio mn/m'p

Value: -0.684 996 94 [1]

>> Neutron-electron magnetic moment ratio mn/me

Value: 1.040 668 82 x 10^-3 [1]

>> Neutron-electron mass ratio mn/me

Value: 1838.683 6605 [1]

>> Neutron-muon mass ratio mn/mm

Value: 8.892 484 00 [1]

>> Neutron-proton magnetic moment ratio mn/mp

Value: -0.684 979 34 [1]

>> Neutron-proton mass difference mn - mp

Value: 2.305 573 92 x 10^-30 [kg]

>> Neutron-proton mass difference energy equivalent (mn - mp)*c^2

Value: 2.072 146 50 x 10^-13 [J]

>> Neutron-proton mass difference energy equivalent in MeV (mn - mp)*c^2

Value: 1.293 332 17 [MeV]

>> Neutron-proton mass difference in u mn - mp

Value: 0.001 388 449 19 [u]

>> Neutron-proton mass ratio mn/mp

Value: 1.001 378 419 17 [1]

>> Neutron-tau mass ratio mn/mt

Value: 0.528 790 [1]

>> Proton charge to mass quotient e/mp

Value: 9.578 833 58 x 10^7 [C/kg]

>> Proton Compton wavelength lC,p

Value: 1.321 409 856 23 x 10^-15 [m]

>> Proton Compton wavelength over 2 pi l-C,p

Value: 0.210 308 910 47 x 10^-15 [m]

>> Proton g factor gp

Value: 5.585 694 713 [1]

>> Proton gyromagnetic ratio gp

Value: 2.675 222 005 x 10^8 [1/(s*T)]

>> Proton gyromagnetic ratio over 2 pi gp/2pi

Value: 42.577 4806 [MHz/T]

>> Proton magnetic moment mp

Value: 1.410 606 743 x 10^-26 [J/T]

>> Proton magnetic moment to Bohr magneton ratio mp/mB

Value: 1.521 032 210 x 10^-3 [1]

>> Proton magnetic moment to nuclear magneton ratio mp/mN

Value: 2.792 847 356 [1]

>> Proton magnetic shielding correction S'p

Value: 25.694 x 10^-6 [1]

>> Proton mass mp

Value: 1.672 621 777 x 10^-27 [kg]

>> Proton mass energy equivalent mpc^2

Value: 1.503 277 484 x 10^-10 [J]

>> Proton mass energy equivalent in MeV mpc^2

Value: 938.272 046 [MeV]

>> Proton mass in u mp

Value: 1.007 276 466 812 [u]

>> Proton molar mass M(p)

Value: 1.007 276 466 812 x 10^-3 [kg/mol]

>> Proton rms charge radius rp

Value: 0.8775 x 10-15 [m]

>> Proton-electron mass ratio mp/me

Value: 1836.152 672 45 [1]

>> Proton-muon mass ratio mp/mm

Value: 8.880 243 31 [1]

>> Proton-neutron magnetic moment ratio mp/mn

Value: -1.459 898 06 [1]

>> Proton-neutron mass ratio mp/mn

Value: 0.998 623 478 26 [1]

>> Proton-tau mass ratio mp/mt

Value: 0.528 063 [1]

>> Quantum of circulation h/2me

Value: 3.636 947 5520 x 10^-4 [m^2/s]

>> Quantum of circulation times 2 h/me

Value: 7.273 895 1040 x 10^-4 [m^2/s]

>> Rydberg constant Rinf

Value: 10 973 731.568 539 [1/m]

>> Rydberg constant times c in Hz Rinf*c

Value: 3.289 841 960 364 x 10^15 [Hz]

>> Rydberg constant times hc in eV Rinf*hc

Value: 13.605 692 53 [eV]

>> Rydberg constant times hc in J Rinf*hc

Value: 2.179 872 171 x 10^-18 [J]

>> Shielded helion gyromagnetic ratio g'h

Value: 2.037 894 659 x 10^8 [1/(s*T)]

>> Shielded helion gyromagnetic ratio over 2 pi g'h/2pi

Value: 32.434 100 84 [MHz/T]

>> Shielded helion magnetic moment m'h

Value: -1.074 553 044 x 10^-26 [J/T]

>> Shielded helion magnetic moment to Bohr magneton ratio m'h/mB

Value: -1.158 671 471 x 10^-3 [1]

>> Shielded helion magnetic moment to nuclear magneton ratio m'h/mN

Value: -2.127 497 718 [1]

>> Shielded helion to proton magnetic moment ratio m'h/mp

Value: -0.761 766 558 [1]

>> Shielded helion to shielded proton magnetic moment ratio m'h/m'p

Value: -0.761 786 1313 [1]

>> Shielded proton gyromagnetic ratio g'p

Value: 2.675 153 268 x 10^8 [1/(s*T)]

>> Shielded proton gyromagnetic ratio over 2 pi g'p/2pi

Value: 42.576 3866 [MHz/T]

>> Shielded proton magnetic moment m'p

Value: 1.410 570 499 x 10^-26 [J/T]

>> Shielded proton magnetic moment to Bohr magneton ratio m'p/mB

Value: 1.520 993 128 x 10^-3 [1]

>> Shielded proton magnetic moment to nuclear magneton ratio m'p/mN

Value: 2.792 775 598 [1]

>> Tau Compton wavelength lC,t

Value: 0.697 787 x 10^-15 [m]

>> Tau Compton wavelength over 2 pi l-C,t

Value: 0.111 056 x 10^-15 [m]

>> Tau mass mt

Value: 3.167 47 x 10^-27 [kg]

>> Tau mass energy equivalent mt*c^2

Value: 2.846 78 x 10^-10 [J]

>> Tau mass energy equivalent in MeV mt*c^2

Value: 1776.82 [MeV]

>> Tau mass in u mt

Value: 1.907 49 [u]

>> Tau molar mass M(t)

Value: 1.907 49 x 10^-3 [kg/mol]

>> Tau-electron mass ratio mt/me

Value: 3477.15 [1]

>> Tau-muon mass ratio mt/mm

Value: 16.8167 [1]

>> Tau-neutron mass ratio mt/mn

Value: 1.891 11 [1]

>> Tau-proton mass ratio mt/mp

Value: 1.893 72 [1]

>> Thomson cross section Se

Value: 0.665 245 8734 x 10^-28 [m^2]

>> Triton g factor gt

Value: 5.957 924 896 [1]

>> Triton magnetic moment mt

Value: 1.504 609 447 x 10^-26 [J/T]

>> Triton magnetic moment to Bohr magneton ratio mt/mB

Value: 1.622 393 657 x 10^-3 [1]

>> Triton magnetic moment to nuclear magneton ratio mt/mN

Value: 2.978 962 448 [1]

>> Triton mass mt

Value: 5.007 356 30 x 10^-27 [kg]

>> Triton mass energy equivalent mt*c^2

Value: 4.500 387 41 x 10^-10 [J]

>> Triton mass energy equivalent in MeV mt*c^2

Value: 2808.921 005 [MeV]

>> triton mass in u mt

Value: 3.015 500 7134 [u]

>> Triton molar mass M(t)

Value: 3.015 500 7134 x 10^-3 [kg/mol]

>> Triton-electron mass ratio mt/me

Value: 5496.921 5267 [1]

>> Triton-proton mass ratio mt/mp

Value: 2.993 717 0308 [1]

>> Weak mixing angle (sin(Tw))^2

Value: 0.2223 [1]


Physico-chemical constants

>> Atomic mass constant mu

Value: 1.660 538 921 x 10^-27 [kg]

>> Atomic mass constant energy equivalent mu*c^2

Value: 1.492 417 954 x 10^-10 [J]

>> Atomic mass constant energy equivalent in MeV mu*c^2

Value: 931.494 061 [MeV]

>> Avogadro constant NA

Value: 6.022 141 29 x 10^23 [mol]

>> Boltzmann constant k

Value: 1.380 6488 x 10^-23 [J/K]

>> Boltzmann constant in eV/K k

Value: 8.617 3324 x 10^-5 [eV/K]

>> Boltzmann constant in Hz/K k/h

Value: 2.083 6618 x 10^10 [Hz/K]

>> Boltzmann constant in inverse meters per kelvin k/hc

Value: 69.503 476 [1/(m*K)]

>> Faraday constant F

Value: 96 485.3365 [C/mol]

>> First radiation constant c1

Value: 3.741 771 53 x 10^-16 [W/m^2]

>> First radiation constant for spectral radiance c1L

Value: 1.191 042 869 x 10^-16 [W*m^2/sr]

>> Loschmidt constant (273.15 K, 100 kPa) n0

Value: 2.651 6462 x 10^25 [1/m^-3]

>> Loschmidt constant (273.15 K, 101.325 kPa) n0

Value: 2.686 7805 x 10^25 [1/m^-3]

>> Molar gas constant R

Value: 8.314 4621 [J/(mol*K)]

>> Molar Planck constant NAh

Value: 3.990 312 7176 x 10^-10 [J*s/mol]

>> Molar Planck constant times c NAhc

Value: 0.119 626 565 779 [J*m/mol]

>> Molar volume of ideal gas (273.15 K, 100 kPa) Vm

Value: 22.710 953 x 10^-3 [m^3/mol]

>> Molar volume of ideal gas (273.15 K, 101.325 kPa) Vm

Value: 22.413 968 x 10^-3 [m^3/mol]

>> Sackur-Tetrode constant (1 K, 100 kPa) S0/R

Value: -1.151 7078 [1]

>> Sackur-Tetrode constant (1 K, 101.325 kPa) S0/R

Value: -1.164 8708 [1]

>> Second radiation constant c2

Value: 1.438 7770 x 10^-2 [m K]

>> Stefan-Boltzmann constant S

Value: 5.670 373 x 10^-8 [W * m^-2 * K^-4]

>> Wien frequency displacement law constant b'

Value: 5.878 9254 x 10^10 [Hz/K]

>> Wien wavelength displacement law constant b

Value: 2.897 7721 x 10^-3 [m K]


X-ray values

>> Angstrom star A*

Value: 1.000 014 95 x 10^-10 [m]

>> Cu x unit xu(CuKa1)

Value: 1.002 076 97 x 10^-13 [m]

>> Lattice parameter of silicon a

Value: 543.102 0504 x 10^-12 [m]

>> Mo x unit xu(MoKa1)

Value: 1.002 099 52 x 10^-13 [m]

>> Molar volume of silicon Vm(Si)

Value: 12.058 833 01 x 10^-6 [m^3/mol]

>> {220} lattice spacing of silicon d220

Value: 192.015 5714 x 10^-12 [m]