
The Experiment of Fizeau

The short description of the experiment of Fizeau:

1. When the water is not moving in each tube, the light propagating through each tube has the same velocity, so the light waves in the two pencils of light that reach the eye are in phase.

2. When light propagates through water moving in different directions at 7 m/s, the velocity of light relative to the tube increases in the direction of flow A and decreases in the opposite direction of flow B. Thus the light waves propagating through tube A will arrive at the eye sooner (and in less time) than the light waves propagating through tube B. This causes an out of phase interference of the crests and troughs of such light waves which is visible to the eye as a pattern of interference fringes. The distance between each dark fringe is one wave length.

Picture 1: The experiment of Fizeau which determined the velocity of light in a moving liquid

When the flow of the water in the tubes is reversed, the pattern of interference fringes shifts, and the measurable magnitude of this shift can be computed to determine the difference in the velocity of light propagating relative to each tube.

1 comment:

  1. De la descifrarea sensului fizic exact al constantei de actiune h, a lui Planck, se gaseste ca factorul interactiunilor electrice k si permitivitatea electrica a vidului Eps0, sunt doar niste adimensionali fizic, adica doar niste numere, cu semnificatie fizica exacta. Astfel k=9miliarde este egal cu numarul de unde cuprinse in trenul de unde al fotonului gama electronic. Totodata reprezinta si multiplicatorul potentialului de semiunda al fotonului gama electronic, in potentialul gigantic al semiundelor din unda stationara de foarte mare amplitudine (511 KV) a electronului.

    From the decipherment of the exact physical meaning of Planck's action constant h, it is found that the factor of electrical interactions k and the electrical permittivity of the vacuum Eps0, are only some physical dimensions, that is, only some numbers, with exact physical significance. Thus k = 9 billion is equal to the number of waves contained in the wave wave of the photon electronic range. It also represents the multiplier of the half-wave potential of the electron gamma photon, in the gigantic half-wave potential of the very high amplitude (511 KV) standing wave of the electron.
