
Moisture Problems

Moisture, especially in the presence of oxygen, is extremely hazardous to transformer insulation. Recent EPRI studies show that an oxygen level above 2,000 ppm dissolved in transformer oil is extremely destructive. Each DGA and Doble test result should be examined carefully to see if water content is increasing and to determine the moisture by dry weight (M/DW) or percent saturation in the paper insulation. When 2% M/DW is reached, make plans for a dry out. Never allow the M/DW to go above 2.5% in the paper or 30% oil saturation without drying out the transformer. Each time the moisture is doubled in a transformer, the life of the insulation is cut by one-half. Keep in mind that the life of the transformer is the life of the paper, and the purpose of the paper is to keep out moisture and oxygen. For service-aged transformers rated less than 69 kV, results of up to 35 ppm at 60 °C are considered acceptable. For 69 kV through 230 kV, a DGA test result of 20 ppm at 60 °C is considered acceptable. For greater than 230 kV, moisture should never exceed 12 ppm at 60 °C. However, the use of absolute values for water does not always guarantee safe conditions, and the percent by dry weight should be determined. See table 19, “Doble Limits for In-Service Oils,” in section 7.6. If values are higher, the oil should be processed. If the transformer is kept as dry and free of oxygen as possible, transformer life will be extended.
The manufacturers dry new transformers specifies to no more than 0.5% M/DW during commissioning. That means that a transformer with 10,000 pounds of paper insulation, has 10,000 x 0.005 = 50 pounds of water (about 6 gallons) in the paper. This is not enough moisture to be detrimental to electrical integrity. When the transformer is new, this water is distributed equally through the transformer. It is extremely important to remove as much water as possible.
When the transformer is energized, water begins to migrate to the coolest part of the transformer and the site of the greatest electrical stress. This location is normally the insulation in the lower one-third of the winding. Paper insulation has a much greater affinity for water than does the oil. The water will distribute itself unequally, with much more water being in the paper than in the oil. The paper will partially dry the oil by absorbing water out of the oil. Temperature is also a big factor in how the water distributes itself between the oil and paper. See table on Picture 1 below for comparison.

Picture 1: Comparison of Water Distribution in Oil and Paper

Table on Picture 1 shows the tremendous attraction that paper insulation has for water and how the water changes in the paper with temperature. The ppm of water in oil shown in the DGA is only a small part of the water in the transformer. When an oil sample is taken, it is important to record the oil temperature from the top oil temperature gauge. Some laboratories give percent M/DW of the insulation in the DGA, others give percent oil saturation, and some give only the ppm of water in the oil. If you have an accurate temperature of the oil and the ppm of water, the Nomogram will give percent M/DW of the insulation and the percent oil saturation.
Where does the water come from? Moisture can be in the insulation when it is delivered from the factory. If the transformer is opened for inspection, the insulation can absorb moisture from the atmosphere. If there is a leak, moisture can enter in the form of water or humidity in the air. Moisture is also formed by the degradation of insulation as the transformer ages. Most water penetration is flow of wet air or rain water through poor gasket seals due to a pressure difference caused by transformer cooling. If a transformer is removed from service during rain or snow, some transformer designs cool rapidly and the pressure inside drops. The most common moisture ingress points are gaskets between bushing bottoms and the transformer top and the pressure relief device gasket. Small oil leaks, especially in the oil cooling piping, will also allow moisture ingress. With rapid cooling and the resultant pressure drop, relatively large amounts of water and water vapor can be pumped into the transformer in a short time. It is important to repair small oil leaks; the small amount of visible oil is not important in itself, but it indicates a point where moisture will enter.
It is critical for life extension to keep transformers as dry and as free of oxygen as possible. Moisture and oxygen cause the paper insulation to decay much faster than normal and form acids, sludge, and more moisture. Sludge settles on windings and inside the structure, causing less efficient transformer cooling, which allows temperature to slowly rise over a period of time. Acids cause an increase in the rate of decay, which forms more acid, sludge, and moisture at a faster rate. This is a vicious cycle of increasing speed forming more acid and causing more decay. The answer is to keep the transformer as dry as possible and as free of oxygen as possible. In addition, oxygen inhibitor should be watched in the DGA testing. The transformer oil should be dried when moisture reaches the specific values. An inhibitor (ditertiary butyl paracresol [DBPC]) should be added (0.3% by weight ASTM D-3787) when the oil is processed.

Water can exist in a transformer in five forms:
  1. Free water, at the bottom of the tank.
  2. Ice at the tank bottom (if the oil specific gravity is greater than 0.9, ice can float).
  3. Water can be in the form of a water/oil emulsion.
  4. Water can be dissolved in the oil and is given in ppm in the DGA.
  5. Water can be in the form of humidity if transformers have an inert gas blanket.

Free water causes few problems with dielectric strength of oil, however, it should be drained as soon as possible. Having a water-oil interface allows oil to dissolve water and transport it to the insulation. Problems with moisture in insulation were discussed above. If the transformer is out of service in winter, water can freeze. If oil specific gravity is greater than 0.9 (ice specific gravity), ice will float. This can cause transformer failure if the transformer is energized with floating ice inside. This is one reason that DGA laboratories test the specific gravity of transformer oil.
The amount of moisture that can be dissolved in oil increases with temperature (see Picture 2). This is why hot oil is used to dry out a transformer. A water/oil emulsion can be formed by purifying oil at too high temperature. When the oil cools, dissolved moisture forms an emulsion. A water/oil emulsion causes drastic reduction in dielectric strength.
How much moisture in insulation is too much? When the insulation reaches 2.5% M/DW or 30% oil saturation (given on some DGAs), the transformer should have a dry out with vacuum, if the tank is rated for vacuum. If the transformer is old, pulling a vacuum can do more harm than good. In this case, it is better to do round-the-clock re-circulation with a Bowser drying the oil as much as possible, which will pull water out of the paper. At 2.5% M/DW, the paper insulation is degrading much faster than normal. As the paper is degraded, more water is produced from the decay products, and the transformer becomes even wetter and decays even faster. When a transformer gets above 4% M/DW, it is in danger of flashover if the temperature rises to 90 ºC.

Picture 2: Maximum Amount of Water Dissolved in Mineral Oil Versus Temperature

Dissolved Moisture in Transformer Oil

Moisture is measured in the dissolved gas analysis in ppm. Some laboratories also give percent saturation, which is the percent saturation of water in the oil. This is a percentage of how much water is in the oil compared with the maximum amount of water the oil can hold. Picture 2 shows it can be seen that the amount of water the oil can dissolve is greatly dependent on temperature. The curves below (Picture 3) are percent saturation curves. On the left line, find the ppm of water from your DGA. From this point, draw a horizontal with a straight edge. From the oil temperature, draw a vertical line. At the point where the lines intersect, read the percent saturation curve. If the point falls between two saturation curves, estimate the percent saturation based on where the point is located. For example, if the water is 30 ppm and the temperature is 40 ºC, you can see on the curves that this point of intersection falls about halfway between the 20% curve and the 30% curve. This means that the oil is approximately 25% saturated. Curves shown on Picture 3 are from IEEE 62-1995.

Picture 3: Transformer Oil Percent Saturation Curves

CAUTION: Below 30 °C, the curves are not very accurate.


  1. SF6 breaker maintenance

    Analysis of transformer oil, over various parameters, is the most efficient and effective way to monitor the equipment’s condition and trend its failure before any catastrophe, thus saving millions. NDL’s laboratory specialises exclusively in the analysis of dielectric fluids. Using the highest quality analytical instruments, we offer a full range of ASTM, IEC & IS insulating oil tests. Our over 30 years of experience in transformer oil analysis guarantees precise and accurate analytical results, with experienced diagnostics and fault analysis. NABL and ILAC accredited

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  2. Transformer life assessment

    Analysis of transformer oil, over various parameters, is the most efficient and effective way to monitor the equipment’s condition and trend its failure before any catastrophe, thus saving millions. NDL’s laboratory specialises exclusively in the analysis of dielectric fluids. Using the highest quality analytical instruments, we offer a full range of ASTM, IEC & IS insulating oil tests. Our over 30 years of experience in transformer oil analysis guarantees precise and accurate analytical results, with experienced diagnostics and fault analysis. NABL and ILAC accredited

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