
Mode of Operation of different Controller Types

This article explains the control response of various controller types and the significance of parameters. As in the explanation of controlled systems, the step response is used for this description. The input variable to the controller is the system deviation – that is, the difference between the desired value and the actual value of the controlled variable.

Proportional (P) controller

In the case of the proportional controller, the actuation signal is proportional to the system deviation. If the system deviation is large, the value of the manipulated variable is large. If the system deviation is small, the value of the manipulated variable is small. The time response of the P controller in the ideal state is exactly the same as the input variable (see Picture 1).

Picture 1: Time response of the P controller

The relationship of the manipulated variable to the system deviation is the proportional coefficient or the proportional gain. These are designated by xp, Kp or similar. These values can be set on a P controller. It determines how the manipulated variable is calculated from the system deviation. The proportional gain is calculated as:

Kp = y0 / x0

If the proportional gain is too high, the controller will undertake large changes of the manipulating element for slight deviations of the controlled variable. If the proportional gain is too small, the response of the controller will be too weak resulting in unsatisfactory control. A step in the system deviation will also result in a step in the output variable. The size of this step is dependent on the proportional gain. In practice, controllers often have a delay time, that is a change in the manipulated variable is not undertaken until a certain time has elapsed after a change in the system deviation. On electrical controllers, this delay time can normally be set. An important property of the P controller is that as a result of the rigid relationship between system deviation and manipulated variable, some system deviation always remains. The P controller cannot compensate this remaining system deviation.

Integral-action (I) controller

The I controller adds the system deviation over time. It integrates the system deviation. As a result, the rate of change (and not the value) of the manipulated variable is proportional to the system deviation. This is demonstrated by the step response of the I controller: if the system deviation suddenly increases, the manipulated variable increases continuously. The greater the system deviation, the steeper the increase in the manipulated variable (see Picture 2).

Picture 2: Time response of the I controller

For this reason the I controller is not suitable for totally compensating remaining system deviation. If the system deviation is large, the manipulated variable changes quickly. As a result, the system deviation becomes smaller and the manipulated variable changes more slowly until equilibrium is reached.
Nonetheless, a pure I controller is unsuitable for most controlled systems, as it either causes oscillation of the closed loop or it responds too slowly to system deviation in systems with a long time response. In practice there are hardly any pure I controllers.

PI controller

The PI controller combines the behaviour of the I controller and P controller. This allows the advantages of both controller types to be combined: fast reaction and compensation of remaining system deviation. For this reason, the PI controller can be used for a large number of controlled systems. In addition to proportional gain, the PI controller has a further characteristic value that indicates the behaviour of the I component: the reset time (integral-action time).

Picture 3: Time response of the PI Controller

Reset time

The reset time is a measure for how fast the controller resets the manipulated variable (in addition to the manipulated variable generated by
the P component) to compensate for a remaining system deviation. In other words: the reset time is the period by which the PI controller is faster than the pure I controller. Behaviour is shown by the time response curve of the PI controller (see Picture 3).

The reset time is a function of proportional gain Kp as the rate of change of the manipulated variable is faster for a greater gain. In the case of a long reset time, the effect of the integral component is small as the summation of the system deviation is slow. The effect of the integral component is large if the reset time is short. The effectiveness of the PI controller increases with increase in gain Kp and increase in the I-component (i.e., decrease in reset time). However, if these two values are too extreme, the controller’s intervention is too coarse and the entire control loop starts to oscillate. Response is then not stable. The point at which the oscillation begins is different for every controlled system and must be determined during commissioning.

PD controller

The PD controller consists of a combination of proportional action and differential action. The differential action describes the rate of change of the system deviation. The greater this rate of change – that is the size of the system deviation over a certain period – the greater the differential component. In addition to the control response of the pure P controller, large system deviations are met with very short but large responses. This is expressed by the derivative-action time (rate time).

Picture 4: Time response of the PD Controller

Derivative-action time

The derivative-action time Td is a measure for how much faster a PD controller compensates a change in the controlled variable than a pure P controller. A jump in the manipulated variable compensates a large part of the system deviation before a pure P controller would have reached this value. The P component therefore appears to respond earlier by a period equal to the rate time (see Picture 4).

Two disadvantages result in the PD controller seldom being used. Firstly, it cannot completely compensate remaining system deviations. Secondly, a slightly excessive D component leads quickly to instability of the control loop. The controlled system then tends to oscillate.

PID controller

In addition to the properties of the PI controller, the PID controller is complemented by the D component. This takes the rate of change of the system deviation into account. If the system deviation is large, the D component ensures a momentary extremely high change in the manipulated variable. While the influence of the D component falls of immediately, the influence of the I component increases slowly. If the change in system deviation is slight, the behaviour of the D component is negligible. This behaviour has the advantage of faster response and quicker compensation of system deviation in the event of changes or disturbance variables. The disadvantage is that the control loop is much more prone to oscillation and that setting is therefore more difficult. Picture 5 shows the time response of a PID controller.

Picture 5: Time response of the PID Controller

Derivative-action time

As a result of the D component, this controller type is faster than a P controller or a PI controller. This manifests itself in the derivative-action time Td. The derivative-action time is the period by which a PID controller is faster than the PI controller.

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